Sunday, 13 March 2011

The Stranger Speaks

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Male Internet presence via youtube, blogs, lookbook and online communities is on the move, it is growing daily. I came across Robert Dean, otherwise known as The Stranger Speaks. He is a Youtube 'Guru' fighting to show a male perspective on fashion, grooming and life skills. What particularly drew me to his videos was his keen eye for styling and out of the box thinking when it comes to dressing. Also, that he often comments through videos that the topic of conversation will make the wearer look more masculine. Masculinity is the key to each of his looks, which may surprise you considering he manipulates women's corsets to be worn as a new type of collar, in such a way that he oozes masculine style.

I was lucky enough to interview Robert about what he thinks about fashion, grooming and the appeal to men, and quickly got around to identifying his views on consumerism, which have personally changed my views somewhat. Thanks to Robert for the interview!

The Stranger Speaks Vlog Channel
The Stranger Speaks Channel

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